The State Scientific Institution "The Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus" (Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry NAS of Belarus) was established in accordance with the Decision of the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of Belarus No. 8 of 10 January 1974 in pursuance of Council of Ministers' Resolution no. 369 of 7 December 1973.

A founder and the first director of the Institute was Afanasii A. Akhrem, academician, D. Sc.,  Professor, Laureate of State Prize of Republic of Belarus. Later since 1988 till 2000 the Institute was headed by Oleg A. Strelchenok, academician, in 2000-2011 - by academician Fedor A. Lakhvich in 2011—2016 - by corresponding member of NASB Sergey A. Usanov. From 2016 to 2022 - by Svetlana Valerievna Babitskaya, Candidate of Chemical Sciences. At present, the director of the Institute is Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor Alexey Viktorovich Yantsevich.

The Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry is one of the leading institutions of NASB, internationally known as scientific center for basic research of structure and function of biomolecules. The main areas of activity are the following: organic and bioorganic chemistry of biopolymers and low-molecular bio-regulators and ascertainment of the principles of their functioning in living systems: the development of new chemical, chemical-enzymatic and genetic engineering methods for producing biopolymers and low-molecular bio-regulators and their analogs in order to create on their basis preparations for medicine and agriculture; study of the structure, physico-chemical properties and biological activity of natural biomolecules and their analogs, the correlation between their structure and biological activity, directed for search for materials with predictable biological activity; study of the structure, function and mechanism of action of enzyme systems of the biosynthesis and metabolism of the most important natural bio-regulators and xenobiotics; experimental pharmacology, pharmacy and technology of medications; toxicology; biochemistry of human and animal; biomedical and pharmaceutical chemistry: pre-clinical, bioequivalence and pharmaceutical testing.

Scientific and technical directions involve the creation of production and technologies for new bioorganic chemistry products. Institute carries out large-scale applied investigation on chemistry, biochemistry, biotechnology, pharmacology, thereby uniting scientific development with industry for the benefit of human. The most prominent achievements are marked with the State Prizes.

Fundamental and applied research and experimental development in the field of immunochemical analysis, for which the research team in 1988 won the institute's first State Prize, created a basis for building-up in Belarus a new branch of national economy — immunodiagnostics' production. It was organized in 1986 at the Self-Supporting Pilot Production of the Institute and made a substantial input in mass prophylaxis of diseases by introducting the immunochemical microanalysis in medical practice (up to 2020). Later molecular biological kits for medical and veterinary were developed and introduced in practice.

In 1996 the State Prize was awarded to the research team for investigation of phytohormonal steroids — brassinosteroids, including their synthesis, mode of action in plants, and creation of the first brassinosteroid-based agrochemical preparation. Further development brought up an acknowledgement of their action outside plant kingdom and expansion of application.

Basic research on chemistry of low-molecular weight bio-regulators formed a foundation for the elaboration of the production procedures for active pharmaceutical ingredients and hemosorbents. An approach based on chemoenzymatic synthesis of nucleosides proved to be the most fruitful and allowed to produce several anticancer and antiviral drugs: Tioguanine, Cytarabine, Leucladin, Fludarabel, Nelarabine, Clofarabine, Zamicit. The elaborated technologies enabled to start in Belarus a production of effective medicines that form own API for treatment of blood cancer. In 2004, the State Prize was awarded to the scientific team which accomplished the investigation.

In 2012, a new industrial unit (Research-Production Center "ChemPharmSynthesis") was constructed at the Institute for production of pharmaceutical substances using elaborated technologies. Since the same year and up to 2020, Institute became a founder of the State enterprise "Academpharm" which produces pharmaceutical formulations.

In addition, there are 4 pilot units lor scientific development implementation by small scale production of recombinant proteins, immunoassay kits, hemosorbents, oxysteroids, etc.

Institute has special department for investigation of biological activity of synthesized compounds at cell level and in animals.

On the basis of fundamental research on environmentally safe agrochemicals a number of plant growth regulators (Epin, Fitovital, etc.). pheromone compositions (codling moth phcromone "LP-U", "Mirron"), active ingredients and formulation of pesticides were elaborated. The developed technologies were realized at the newly started up plant "Frandesa" in 2007, that marked an establishment of a new branch of national economy — a production of pesticides.

Annually researchers of the Institute publish about 100 papers, a half of which are published in international journals. During last 10 years, 11 monographs, 10 textbooks, and 8 handbooks were published. An intellectual property of the Institute includes patents, technical regulations and trademarks for the elaborated production.

The staff of the Institute has about 300 employees of which 50 scientists have PhD and 11 - doctor degree, including 2 academicians and 3 corresponding members of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.

Institute provides possibility for students to do diploma works, master and PhD theses under the guidance of highly qualified specialists. Annually about 20 undergraduate and graduate students do their experimental and theoretical study. At the Institute works Dissertation Council of theses defense for the degree of PhD and D.Sc. in organic and bioorganic chemistry and biochemistry.

The Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry successfully develops international relations in the main areas of its research. Currently, the Institute conducts joint research with scientific institutes of the CIS countries, Germany, USA, Canada, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Holland, Vietnam and other countries.

The scientists of the Institute regularly participate in domestic international congresses, conferences and symposia with plenary, oral poster presentations. The Institute  is the organizer of the traditional international    conferences    "Chemistry.    Structure    and Function Biomolecules" and "Belarusian drugs".

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